Resultados: 3

Articulação teórico-prática em um currículo de um curso de Enfermagem

RESUMO Objetivo Compreender como a articulação teórico-prática se efetiva num currículo de um curso de graduação em Enfermagem. Método Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido por meio de análise documental e por entrevistas individuais com roteiro semiestr...

Patient safety education of the graduation in Nursing from the teaching perspective

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify contents related to Patient Safety contemplated in the curricular units of a Nursing undergraduate course, according to the teachers who work in it, and to know the teaching methodologies and evaluation strategies used. Method: descriptive case study, carried out with 15...

Supervised Curricular Internship and the development of management skills: a perception of graduates, undergraduates, and professors

Abstract Objective: Analyze the perception of graduates, undergraduates and professors about the teaching-learning process of the Supervised Curricular Internship (SCI) of Nursing Undergraduate Courses and in light of the development of management competencies. Method: Qualitative study based on the Ma...